Have you ever been in a situation where you realize you are running low on toilet paper, but have no motivation to go to the store? Have you resorted to taking a little extra TP from a public restroom to avoid going shopping for just a little bit longer? No? Just me? lol Adulting is hard, especially when you don’t want to do it.
I have not been in that toilet paper situation since I jumped on the Subscribe and Save bandwagon. You can subscribe to one or two items, OR if you have 5 or more subscriptions for the month Amazon will bump up your savings by 5% or more.
You can get all kinds of things like grocery staples, office supplies, and cosmetics. Below you can see what’s on my subscription list for January and you can totally see that my order is all over the place in terms of things I subscribe to.
I love that the subscription is also customizable. You can designate when subscriptions are sent to you each mother and often you need a particular subscription. For example, I don’t need 36 rolls of toilet paper every month. If I need 36 rolls of toilet paper every 5 months, I can set my subscription to do that. Setting subscriptions to come within certain time intervals helps me adult! Like did you know that you should be changing your toothbrush every 3ish months? I sure didn’t until recently, and I know I was using my brushes for waaaaaay longer. Now I can have tooth brushes as a subscription and whenever I get a new toothbrush in the mail, I will know its time to throw away the old one. Easy Peezy.
OH OH! And did I mention, they have pet supplies! It is so great for having pets, because then I can make sure my fur babies always have what the need. I get their food and litter through subscribe and save (and even occasional toys and treats). Trust me your fur babies will thank you!
Disclaimer*** These thoughts are my own and this post is in no way sponsored by amazon (although a sponsorship amazon or elsewhere would be awesome…just saying…hint. hint…lol).