Feeling Down?

When I’m feeling down or someone just treated me like poo, I will write and record myself saying positive and inspirational things about myself. I like to think of audio like my own personal hype-girl (like how in rap they have hype-men). Below you will also see the script I used just in case you don’t have head phones available.

Hypegirl for a Down Day (in audio form)

Hypegirl for a Down Day (in text form)

I know you are having a not so great day, but that is okay. You are allowed to feel whatever negative emotion you are feeling. If you would like to continue feeling mad/sad/frustrated or any other emotion, you can. You can even ugly cry, but if you came here maybe you are trying to get out of that feelings slump. So let’s get started, shall we?

You are an amazing person who brings value to this world. Girl, you are deserving of love. Your voice and opinions are important and worth hearing.

Haters are going to hate, but don’t let them damper your shine. Maybe they are going through something. You don’t have to go through their something as well. Do not punish yourself or let others punish you for someone else’s hardships that you had nothing to do with.

Some people aren’t going to understand you, but you do you. You do you, because you are legit the best and most qualified person in the WORLD and in space and time to do you. You’re the best at that and the best there ever will be. Shine as brightly as you would like to shine. Dance if you want to, sing if you want to, run screaming into the night if you want to…as long as it is you being true to you. You are wonderful, strong, beautiful, and resilient. And it’s okay if you sometimes need reminders of your awesomeness. Because you are… because you are awesome.