I have had a couple holiday events so far this month, and they have either required making a dish to share and wrapping some sort of gift or both. So I’m going to talk about all the extra paper. I always end up “mis-measuring” what is needed to wrap a present and then need to cut off the excess. If you aren’t like me, you get a gold star and win all the winter holidays! I
Anyway, I always feel bad about those extra scraps. They no longer have a purpose, and I would not be my mother’s daughter if I didn’t try to do something with them. Also as a disclaimer, I am lazy crafty so if you are super intense, you can probably put my ideas to shame lol. Okay…sooo that begs the question WTF do I do with these scraps?!
Make a name tag/baby card
I don’t usually spend money on those cute little labels that you can address to people. They are cute but….I have extra wrapping paper! Rather than ditching those scraps just fold a rectangle in half and get some tape and BAM! You gotta label that matches with your present.

Make a fun paper bow
So disclaimer, this takes a lot of tape, there is probably a way that uses less tape, but this is how I make my bows so WHATEVA I do what I want.

Let’s get started! Look below for the pictures to correspond with the numbers.
- Get all your scraps and cut them up into strips. They don’t have to be even thickness, but I do like them to be around the same length.
- Very loosely fold your paper and tape the ends together.
- After you are done taping it should make a nice tear shape.

- Start taping to the package. The tape should be facing in towards the center of the present.
- Tape down three more tear drops to make your base.
- Add additional tear drops under your base you just created. This will make your bow fluffy. Attach the under layer of tear drops by rolling the tape sticky side out.

When you are done creating two layers of tear drops, you will see that your bow is beginning to have some dimension to it. You can continue to add additional tear drops under the two layers you already have. In addition, varying at which Continue this process until your bow is nice a fluffy or you get bored (usually what happens to me).

Let’s finish this bow!!!!
- Pick out a fun scrap that you think is pretty.
- Roll the scrap and tape either side down, so the paper stays rolled.
- Roll a piece of tape sticky side out and stick it to whatever side of your rolled paper that’s not as pretty.
- Boop the rolled paper down into the center of your bow (tape side down). Being careful to only press down from the inside of your round (or else you will flatten the nice floofy round you made).

Last step!!!! Dance around while you celebrate your fun bow!!!!

Wanna impress your in-laws by being extra? This is the hack for you (results may vary depending on the in-laws)!!!! I am going to show you how to make a pull tab on your presents so friends and family can rip open those gifts with style. Play the video below to see all the pull tab action!

Things you will need are all the normal gift wrapping supplies (the gift, tape, scissors, and wrapping paper). In addition, if you wanna be fancy, some pretty duct tape would be nice. If you are planning on using duct tape, make sure you have sharp scissors (it makes your life significantly easier when you cut the duct tape into strips).

Cut your duct tape into several thin strips (you can also just use the duct tape’s natural thickness, but I prefer a thinner pull tab).
Lay the strips of tape to form a line that spans the entirety of the wrapping paper. If you cut the tape into strips for a thinner pull tab, ensure that each strip overlaps with the next (at least a 1/2 inch). This is to ensure that your pull tab stays together so that the present can be opened with only one fluid pull.
Make sure there is a little extra tape coming off the side of the paper. You will want to fold that extra tape tab onto itself so there is no sticky part of the tape exposed.
After, that wrap the present as you normally would minding that the little tab is always visible.

The pink arrows in the pictures above show where the pull tab is in each step of the wrapping process. The arrow pointing to the fancy star type shape shows what the pull tab will look like after your present is totally wrapped. And there you have it! A gift with a pull tab!