Travel Tips: Food & Beverage Edition

In a few days, I will be getting on a plane and going to another country! Woo! WOO! As such, I thought I would chronicle my planning process, because I have a whole routine, but I’ve never written it down. I should explain why it’s a process. I was born in Hawaii, and the cost of living was quite expensive. My parents needed to work multiple jobs. Luckily, my extended family is quite large, so I ended up being watched on and off by all my various aunts and uncles. At some point while I was a toddler, my parents decided that they needed to relocate. They felt they would be better able to provide for me and they would also actually be able to see me more often as well. My parents opted to move to the mainland. However, it caused a little kerfluffle, because all my aunts and uncles who saw me on the daily no longer could see me without hoping on a several hours long plane ride. A bargain was struck and from then on my parents flew me back to Hawaii (sometimes by myself) to spend the summer with my extended family. This semi-routine travel throughout my childhood resulted in some wonky travel habits some awesome and others that probably aren’t great. Either way, I’m excited to share with you

Hydration Hacks

Research has shown that when we are flying in the air that our taste buds change. In some cases, our taste gets dulled a bit with things that are sweet or salty. However, sour/bitter can be preferable. I just read that more people prefer tomato juice on airplanes in comparison to in everyday life. I may have to try it out, because I am not a fan of bloody marys, but maybe I will be on an airplane.

If you are flying on a plane, bring an empty water bottle. You can fill it up with water after you get through security. There are also flavor packets now for single servings so you can make yourself some grape drink or whatever.

Thirsty at the airport? I would suggest buying something in a plastic bottle. This way you can close the bottle again if you aren’t done drinking it. The fountain soda option may seem like a good option, but if you carry it on the plane where ever will you put it? That thing tips over….it will spill.

Do you like soda? Did you know you can ask for the entire can on the majority of airlines and they will give you the whole thing?

Snack Hacks

When I was younger, I used to raid the pantry for snacks that I could bring on to the plane. However, now that I am older and wiser, I realized that this method is ineffective. I have gone on some many trips in which random gummy fruit or a bag or chips have come there and back home again with me. The tough truth is…if all you have in your pantry is odds and ends in your pantry…if you don’t eat whatever those things are in your everyday, why would you eat them while you are on a plane?

I usually need to go to the store last minute to get my flight snacks, if I do it too early, I end up eating them before I am even on the way to the airport. Here is list of what I typically get.

  • Chips (Cheesy Munchies, Funions, or Doritos)
  • Gum
  • Fruity Candy (Hi Chew or Mamba)
  • Gummy Candy (Varies depending on my mood)
  • “Safe” Chocolate meaning something individually wrapped or candy covered to prevent them from melting all over (m&m’s and sixlets)
  • Healthy snack (there are some grocery stores that sell little samplers with cheese, crackers, a fruit, and chicken salad)

I don’t have time to shop!

Do you have a Starbucks gift card? My family loves Starbucks and I always seem to have one somewhere. You can use these cards at the airport starbucks. Go ahead, buy yourself that coffee, gum, chips, and cake pop. It’s a good way to treat yourself at the airport without making a huge dent in your bank account.